Tuesday, 25 September 2012

A very well written article about the nature of spirits, and spirit work. This is WHY you should know what you're doing folks...


Sunday, 23 September 2012


Whilst browsing the other evening on a few forums dedicated to talks about spirit work, I came across a thread about my Lady la Santissima Muerte. On it, one person mused that when thinking of taking up some work with La Senora de Las Sombras, she should come with a DISCLAIMER; a warning to those who may be unprepared to take on the responsibility.
I'd like to just add my two cents to that comment. First of all, you DO NOT work with La Santissima Muerte; SHE works with YOU. In a worrying recent trend, it seems as if every conjurer, every magician and sorceress is jumping on the Santa Muerte wagon, eager to proclaim their allegience to this powerful spirit with such a fierce reuptation. But let me ask you something; how many of these folkies have really sat down and realized that it is DEATH they are conjuring? Now, I'm not saying  their calling isn't legit. It's not for me to decided that obviously; what you've got going on with your own spirits is your business. But in this worrying trend, it just seems as if too many people are saying they are 'working' with her, without possibly not understanding the implications of that statement.
There is a reason why she has such a fierce reuptation; She is DEATH. Did anyone miss that? OK, again for the cheap seats in the back, SHE IS DEATH HERSELF. She is NOT some version of the Wiccan Goddess; you cannot lump her with Diana Astarte Bastet Innana. That would just be insulting, to all those spirits origins. Some say she is the modern reincarnation of Michtecacihuatl, the Aztec goddess of death and the underworld. Her followers range from the most docile and innocent, to the drugs cartel warlords, prostitutes and criminals.
Now, with all this in mind, do these folks truly understand her nature? I was called by her just over a year ago now. I had heard of her infamous reputation; her power to bring back wandering estranged lovers, grant any manner of wishes, and fufill all hopes and dreams. Yet I was also very much aware of her much darker, primal aspect; her ability to handle and deliver justice to wrongdoers in whatever gruesome way she deemed appropriate.
I spent an entire year thinking over the idea of asking her for assistance and her blessings, and over the course of the yeat I received numerous signs. I would see her image EVERYWHERE. She would turn up in the most unlikely places; once she even appeared, with her owl and scythe, in a painting, in a little art gallery. She also used to turn up in my dreams. IN one particularly moving dream, I saw myself before three seperate altars, all carrying images, votives and statues of her in her three primal colours, receiving her blessings. ONLY then did I know for sure that she was tying to speak to me.
A year on, and I cannot even begin to express my thanks for all the work she has helped me with.
But am I still afraid and apprehensive of her? YOU BET! Only now, there is a more revering, loving respectul fear of her.
So, to sum up, I think the person who said that she should come with a disclaimer, was on the right tracks. She will ONLY work with you, if she has come to you and personally plucked you out of the bunch.
My warning, if anyone is interested to adhere, is DONT go looking for her, She will come to YOU, if that is what she wants.
She is the most Holy Death, the Santissima Muerte, the ultimate Judge. And I love her.
Gracias Santa Muerte por todo en mi vida!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Name change

Please all note that the name of this blog, and the subsequent address, has now changed to The Two-Headed Pot(www.thetwoheadedpot.blogspot.com).


Friday, 21 September 2012

The Hiatus. And the Satisfaction

Most breaks are planned; you plan when you're going to go on that bi-annual vacay; you plan when you're going to take that week off because work is getting too stressful; you plan when you're going to be out of town for a month, on a trek across the countryside.

My haitus, as we shall call it, was not planned. I did not plan to take any sort of break from hoodoo, but spirits tend to work on thir own agenda, and a break is exactly what I got. A two month one, as a it transpired.
During that time, I found myself diverted by all manner of pretty things ;) Not once in that whole time, however, did I forget the allegience I owe to my spirits, but I did not perform any sort of working during that period. Some would say, and I would agree under other circumstances, that when you have no juju to do, it must mean you're life is ticking along pretty well.
Well, as life would ultimately have it, it WAS a potentional disaster that had me heading for my workspace to carry out some emergency jujuing!
And my mighty Dynamic Duo came through for me once again! Not nearly an hour after finishing the first round of 'assaults', and I recieved a sign that the work has been put into motion and is working. NOW THAT IS HOODOO at it's best folks!

Apart from my mighty spirits, I also had the aid of a certain wonderful friend, also a professional Hoodoo, and together we NAILED IT. Praise!

So, with that all in mind, I am officially back in business. What a Snap Crackle and Pop moment!
Below is a list of my specialities; please note that NONE of these services come without a reading/consultation and prior consent of my spirits. If you are interested in getting in touch with me, I am available on my profesional email at msdconjure@gmail.com.
PLEASE don't ask me to do anything for free; just don't.

*Inspiring Love and Lust and Commitment in a SPECIFIC target(I do not do general love attraction spells)
*Break up
*Reconciliation of a couple


For varying reasons, this is only type of work I offer at the moment.

God bless!