So here's a to do; a few weeks back, whilst praying at my space to San Expedito, and giving thanks for some recent work done, I suddenly, pretty much out of nowhere, got the sudden urge to go on a pilgrimage to a Saint Expedite shrine.
Now, this is no easy feat. The Catholic Church has been trying for quite a long time now, to eradicate the existence of this precious Santo. Last I checked, I think he got de-sainted(is that even a word??). He fell into the realms of folk magic, where he has a huge following. And of course, just because he got demoted, doesn't mean Catholics stopped praying to him.
There are very few official statues of churches left that are dedicated to him; one such place, curiously, where you can still find him in abundance, and where he has his own cult however, is the Reunion Islands.
Another place is New Orleans, where his statue stands proudly in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
So, back to the flash of inspiration, and I'm thinking 'yes it is definitely time to go visit him at a shrine that is recognized by catholics and well other folks too. And I've never been to NOLA before.....' Before long my feet were walking me straight into the nearest bookshop and ten minutes later Im sitting sipping a coffee and reading Frommers Guide to NO :D
So, the plans are tentatively scheduled for sometime early May next year, 2013.
I'm praying to San Expedito to help me fund the trip. Today I picked up some more work, thanks to all my spirits, which will help contribute to the NOLA Fund. I also have some other work lined up.
And yesterday morning, as I was sitting at work, someone left this on my counter.
Now THATS synchronicity! Guess I'm off to NOLA next year!!
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